
Effective and Aesthetic Cosmetic Dentistry in Santa Maria

Cosmetic dental services can elevate your smile from fair to fantastic. At the dental office of Anthony F. Riforgiate, DDS, we offer Santa Maria and the surrounding communities plenty of options to upgrade their smiles. From teeth whitening procedures to implant restorations, Dr. Riforgiate is sure to offer a service that will suit your needs.

Too often, individuals discredit cosmetic dental work as elective or secondary to preventive care. What many fail to consider is that these procedures contribute positively to oral health while also leaving patients with a vibrant and healthy-looking smile. Cosmetic services help patients two-fold.


Beyond a Beautiful Smile

Santa Maria Cosmetic Dentist Smiling Patient

Dr. Riforgiate offers a variety of cosmetic treatments that are tailored to address the dental health needs of our patients while creating beautiful, confident smiles. We strive to ensure that our patients are receiving exceptional care without compromising the oral health of their teeth and gums. Some of the cosmetic services we offer at our Santa Maria dental practice include:

A Detailed Consultation is the First Step Towards a Beautiful Smile

Before recommending any cosmetic procedure, Dr. Riforgiate conducts a thorough evaluation to determine a patient’s oral health needs. It’s imperative that the teeth and gums are at their best before following through with a cosmetic treatment.

If a patient has signs of gum disease, for example, Dr. Riforgiate will suggest they wait to go through with veneers placement or take-home whitening.

Permanently Replace Teeth with Dental Implants

With our skilled and artistic hand, we create beautifully lifelike restorations to fit with dental implants. We work closely with a trusted implantologist, of whom Dr. Riforgiate is a patient himself, to meticulously place your implants in anticipation of a crown, bridge, or denture. Once your implant has fused sufficiently to the jaw, Dr. Riforgiate will create and attach the restoration that meets your needs.

Choose Dr. Riforgiate for a Beautiful Smile in Santa Maria

Cosmetic Dentistry in Santa Maria CA -Smiling Patient

At our Santa Maria dental practice, we offer a wide variety of cosmetic services to help patients achieve optimal a stunning smile. Dr. Anthony Riforgiate offers unmatched quality and care to each patient he cares for. Feel free to browse our site for more information about our cosmetic treatments or any of our other services, and call us with further questions or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you!

At Dr. Riforgiate’s Office, Patients’ are the Most Important Priority

Cosmetic Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

What common dental problems are suitable for cosmetic dentistry?

There are many different reasons someone may want to improve the look of their smile. From tooth discoloration and misaligned teeth to damaged teeth and more, modern cosmetic dentistry can repair your smile and give you beautiful results. Our team works with you to determine the best treatments to meet your smile goals.

Why Is cosmetic dentistry important?

If you're unhappy with the appearance of your smile, cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and give you a look you can be proud of. This can boost confidence and your overall well-being. It can also encourage you to take excellent care of your teeth to maintain the results of your cosmetic treatment.

Do cosmetic treatments improve my oral health?

Though cosmetic dentistry's primary goal is to enhance your smile's aesthetics, many treatments also have oral health benefits. Whether you want to align crooked teeth, transform your smile with veneers, or repair a tooth with a dental crown, our team has the expertise and knowledge to improve the health and appearance of your smile.


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